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September 6, 2002
SoFo author accidentally shoots computer

Sean Hegarty shot a bullet into his computer today, in a move he later blamed on Movable Type. While posing for press photographers Hegarty accidentally fired a gun he claimed he did not know was loaded.

After destroying his hard drive, Hegarty tried to put responsibility on to the "confusing and poorly written" manuals of the Movable Type organisation. "If they had better instruction manuals I would've got their software working weeks ago," Hegarty said. "But their manuals are a disaster, and I was just trying to publicise that."

"Then it all went horribly wrong," Hegarty added.

The bullet's impact caused an electrical blackout in three dozen homes, including his own. The resulting blast of heat also had a catastrophic impact on his nearby monitor, causing the 17 inch screen to shatter. Forensic experts described the event as a typical example of "the glass bomb effect." Shards of glass now cover much of Hegarty's work space, and have done irreparable damage to an already elderly trestle table.

Writing from a computer at the Fitzroy library, Hegarty clearly had more to add. But he was thwarted by library staff. They insisted that he allow Felicity Roberts, another local resident, to use the same machine. An outraged Hegarty was told that Roberts had already booked the next available timeslot.

Both Felicity Roberts and the Movable Type organisation were unavailable for comment.

Hegarty is accepting donations to help replace his equipment, and also to pay for a cleaning bill he describes as "exorbitant."

     Posted by Sean Hegarty at 09:37 AM in the Movable Type vs. SoFo category | Comments (0)
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